Monday, February 8, 2010

Numerical Benefits of Crutches

Would you believe that I actually lost 3.4 pounds this week, despite being unable to do any exercise? Crazy, huh?

Apparently using crutches is more of a workout than anything I could have crafted for myself intentionally. Makes sense, really, if you think about it. It takes a lot of upper body strength (not to mention pressure on your good leg) to hobble around like that.

Well, that brings my total weight loss since the beginning of the year to 10.2 pounds. Yea!

Now all I have to worry about is the three Marie Callender's pies we just bought. Lemon meringue, coconut cream, and chocolate satin....mmm! Scale, be kind to me next week. ;)

Cleaning out the Refrigerator

It's hard to imagine anything quite as disgusting as pulling a moldy container of heaven-knows-what out of your refrigerator. At least, after last night, that's how I see it.

I have no idea how exactly it started. All I know is that one minute, I was discussing what we were having for dinner, and the next, I was pulling condiments with expiration dates as bleak as early 2007 out of our poor refrigerator. I discovered a number of interesting things. Among them, that our family has at least 5 or 6 jars of pickles in our fridge at any given moment, and that at least half of those have gone bad, at least according to the expiration dates that have smudged and worn off over time.

Other highlights included a tub of green beans that smelled like vinegary four-bean salad, even though it was obvious that they had originated in our freezer; a jar of applesauce that was olive green; and in the farthest corner of the fridge, on the top shelf, lay a Ziploc container of something so covered in black, white, and green mold that neither my mother nor I could even remotely tell what it might have once been.

And if this is not bad enough, I had to use a butter knife, lots of scalding hot water, a heap of baking soda, and a scratchy yellow sponge to literally scrape off the pale pink sweetened condensed milk that had become encrusted on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. It was bad enough that it actually wore a hole in the yellow sponge. I made no progress whatsoever until my mother suggested that I use the baking soda, which then acted as a miracle crusty-milk-dissolving wonder and loosened up the glob enough that I could then use the butter knife and scratch the remaining goo off the poor glass shelf.

I am now pleased to report that we only have about 4 or 5 bottles of salad dressing in our fridge, as opposed to the 12+ we had before. And two full double-bagged garbage trips later, we can actually see the back of the fridge.

Next on our list is the pantry. Watch out, weevils!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Of Knees and Crutches

You know, it's truly amazing how much we use our knees for. Being a joint and all, you'd assume that they would be rather important, but, such as with most things, it's only when we have problems with them that we actually notice they exist.

My first warning sign was during the past two weeks, when every so often I would misstep while doing step aerobics and my right knee would creak onerously. But did I become too concerned? No, of course not. I just kept telling myself that as the pounds miraculously shed themselves, I would be rid of knee creaking forever.

No such luck.

Last Thursday, I decided to start a new routine doing yoga and stability ball exercises. I did all the warm-ups just fine, but partway into doing my second lunge with the stability ball, I tried to correct my form and ended up with my back (right) knee completely giving out.

To make a long story short, I am now on crutches (yet again), though I'm trying to gradually wean myself from them. At church yesterday, everyone was astounded at our family's luck. First, my dad dies, then my sister hurts her knee/leg, then my mom breaks her foot, and now I've somehow messed up my knee. All in two and a half months. Geez.

On the upside of things, I still managed to lose weight last week, despite being unable to exercise for the last several days, bringing my total weight loss to 6.8 pounds in 3 weeks.

Welcome and Introduction

After talking about starting a blog for the last two months, I've decided that it's finally time to take action.

I chose my URL based on one of my favorite scriptures from the Book of Mormon, Ether 12:27. In every aspect of my life, I have found that overcoming weakness is a matter of turning to the Lord, and that only through the Lord can weaknesses truly become strengths.

I'm hoping that this blog will chronicle (as the title implies) my life and struggles, particularly in the following areas:

1. College & education
2. Spirituality
3. Health & nutrition
4. Hobbies & interests
5. Employment, and my lack thereof
6. Family & friends

A bit about myself:

I just turned 21 two days ago. In the words of one of my sister's friends, now "I'm old enough to do all the things I never wanted to do anyway."

I'm a college student taking a forced hiatus of one year from school. It's looking like I'll return again this fall to Brigham Young University, where I'm an English Language major with an editing minor.

I love crafts, cooking, writing, reading, history, linguistics, and learning in general and hope to make this blog my new hobby.

Thank you for choosing to read my blog, and feel free to pass it along to your friends!